Jody LeCornu was a student at Towson University in Baltimore Maryland when she was murdered in cold blood on March 2, 1996. Today her identical twin sister Jenny Carrieri is ramping up the investigation to find her sisters killer.
On that Saturday morning, the 23-year-old had gotten into a fight with her boyfriend over drinking and going to a local bar without him. Jody went to work that day, then went back to the 'Mt. Washington Tavern', her favorite hang out and stayed there till the bar closed. An employee asked Jody to take a employee home because it was snowing. Jody drove him home, then bought a six pack, and started drinking in a parking lot where her killer approached her car, shot and killed her. Then he followed her across the street where she crashed, he put her car in park and then stole something from her car, in front of several people watching. Jody's family is offering a $100,000 cash reward for information leading to the killers arrest. The suspect in 1996 was described as an African-American man, between 5'10" to 6'2", 200-220 pounds, 20-30 years old, stocky build, driving a white BMW. Anyone with information please call Baltimore County Police Department or Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7LOCKUP.
A husband kills his wife on a cruise ship after drinking heavily and blames it on the scorpion inside the tequila bottle.
55 year old Robert McGill was celebrating his birthday with his wife of five years Shirley, and some friends on the Carnival Elation cruise to Mexico from San Diego. Friends said that Robert McGill loved Shirley with "All his heart". He and Shirley were high school sweethearts who has reconnected and gotten married before their 30th Claremont High School reunion. On July 14, 2009 McGill was drinking heavily in Cabo San Lucas. He reportedly drank half a bottle of tequila and a six pack of beer. After he boarded the ship passengers heard screaming coming from his stateroom. We would later learn that McGill had beaten his wife and strangled her. As she lay dying on the bathroom floor he showered, cleaned up and went to the upper deck to smoke a cigar and drink a bucket of beer. McGill was arrested and later convicted for the murder of his wife, sentenced to life in prison. Years later, a boyfriend would be arrested for murdering his girlfriend during her birthday celebration cruise on the same ship. One month after that, a man would be arrested for rape of a woman on the same cruise ship.
Two San Diego teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King are killed by a convicted sex offender who slipped through the cracks.
Now 10 years later, I sit down for an EXCLUSIVE interview with Amber's mother Carrie McGonigle. This is a case I covered from the missing persons command post, to the crime scene tape and ultimately the courtroom for the double murder trial. Carrie shares new details in the case, how she found out Gardner was her daughters killer and what she said to him when she got him alone for 30 minutes in jail. On Friday the 13th, in February 2009, 14-year-old Amber Dubois vanished while walking to Escondido High School. She had Valentine’s Day cards in her pocket and $200 to purchase a lamb for her 4H program. More than a year after the case went cold 17-year-old Chelsea King disappeared while jogging on February 25th, 2010. Chelsea was a Senior and track star at Poway High School. After Garner was arrested he pled guilty to rape and murder and led authorities to Amber's remains located on PALA Tribal land. John Albert Gardner III is serving two life terms in prison for the rape and murder of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.
In this mini-episode called a Case Break host Matt Johnson talks to forensic genealogist Colleen Fitzpatrick.
Colleen is a former NASA contractor with a PhD in Physics. She is a rocket scientist, a one-time JEOPARDY contestant and the founder of two non-profits who work to identify individuals through DNA. The "DNA Doe Project" the works to identify John and Jane Does while "IdentiFinders International" works to identify murdered persons and suspect killers. Colleen and co-founder of the DNA Doe Project, Margaret Press were gracious enough to share with me how they identify victims and became the subject of an EMMY winning report I did in Los Angeles. Since our interview GEDmatch (the public wiki page for genealogists and police) has since changed privacy policy and require users to "OPT IN" to allow law enforcement to review uploaded DNA. Without that ability suspect killers like Joseph James DeAngelo would not be caught and cases would stay COLD.
Kathy Augustine was a mom and a rising star in Nevada State politics.
She was elected to State Assembly, State Senate and became the first woman to be elected as State Controller. In 2002, her 17 year marriage to her third husband Charles Augustine was rocky. Kathy's political career was taking a toll on their marriage and the couple was separated. Kathy was looking to get a divorce and was purchasing a house in Reno Nevada, closer to the state capital, her husband Charles was living in their large Las Vegas home. In 2003, Charles suffered a stroke and was rushed to nearby Sunrise Medical Center in Las Vegas. While Charles was receiving care, Kathy sparked a friendship with one of her husbands critical care nurses Chaz Higgs. Three weeks after meeting Chaz, Kathy's husband had died and Kathy inherited the homes, and was the beneficiary of a $1 Million life insurance policy. After her husbands funeral, Kathy and Chaz went to Hawaii and got married. In 2004 as Kathy was being considered a finalist for the office of U.S. Treasurer by the George W. Bush administration, she became under investigation for campaign ethics violations in Nevada. This led to Kathy's removal from consideration and her impeachment in Nevada. As Kathy was launching a come-back election campaign for role as State Treasurer, she died suddenly, under suspicious circumstances. An F.B.I. toxicology report would lead to a murder investigation. Who killed Kathy Augustine? July 14, 2019
Matt JohnsonJeanette Maria Corpuz was 28 when she went missing from Reno Nevada in the winter of 2003. After large amounts of blood and evidence was recovered at her home, police called her disappearance a homicide. Jeanette Corpuz is described as 5'6", 160 pounds, Hispanic/White with Brown hair and Blue eyes. She was a newlywed with three children from a previous marriage. She was living with her new husband Lyle Montgomery and her 3-year-old son Jacob Corpuz when she disappeared. The couple met while working at a Super Kmart store where he was the pharmacy manager and she was a check-out clerk. In October of 2002 Jeanette reported her then boyfriend, was abusive and threatened to kill her in the couples shared apartment. Her son would later tell police his stepfather (Lyle) pointed a gun at his mother and fired the weapon into the master-bedroom nightstand. In December 2002, Jeanette and Lyle married at a Reno Chapel despite their problems and 14 year age difference. On January 13, 2003, Jeanette met with a realtor at her home and told her she and her son, was moving to Redding California and she was getting a divorce. Later that week she called her ex-husband (who had custody of their two other children). But he was not alarmed by anything she said. She was last seen by someone at a neighborhood grocery store and never seen again. On January 25th, Jeanette's son Jacob is found abandoned in the toy department of a Shopko store in the Salt Lake City area, about 520 miles away. A man was spotted on security camera walking in with the boy and leaving without him. Lyle Montgomery would later be identified and charged for child abuse. When police went to question Lyle they discovered he had overdosed on sleeping pills and alcohol. He was taken to a hospital. At that time police found several guns and ammunition near Lyle on the floor. Police obtained a search warrant for the home and discovered blood throughout the home. In the master bedroom blood had pooled and soaked through the carpet and padding through to the wooden flooring beneath. The bed, dresser and other items of furniture were missing. Police searched Lyles home and a storage unit but did not locate Jeanette's body. At a bail hearing police detectives testified they believed that Lyle killed his wife and dumped her body. Still, his bail was reduced from $2.5 Million to $150,000 and he released, assigned to house arrest. He moved in with his friend who was an armed security guard. On April 8th, shortly after release, Lyle Montgomery shot and killed himself with his roommates gun. Jeanette's body was never found. Her children live with their biological father in California. Anyone with information is asked call Reno Police at 775-334-2155 SOCIAL MEDIA: AZKAS MYSTERY PODCAST: July 07, 2019
Matt JohnsonRobert Fry is a serial killer who lived in Farmington New Mexico, a small town on the edge of the Navajo reservation in the Four Corners of the USA. Farmington is a old western town of 37,000 people. Everyone knows everyone else and when these murders went unsolved... the town was terrified. Fry was convicted of brutally murdering four people Betty Lee, Donald Tsosie, Matthew Trecker and Joseph Fleming. It would take years before Robert Fry would be connected to all the crimes. Some believe he is responsible for even more killings. Betty Lee was a mother of five and heading home from a girls night out when she was murdered. Donald Tsosie was on his was home from donating plasma and blood when he was killed. Matthew Trecker and Joseph Fleming were closing a local shop when they were murdered and nearly decapitated. The Assistant District Attorney told reporters Fry killed because he liked it. He had no motive for the killings. He thought it was fun. June 27, 2019
Matt JohnsonIn 2019 David and Louise Turpin would be found guilty of torturing 12 of their 13 kids in what police and prosecutors referred to as a "House of Horrors". They were sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Police say the children were shackled, beat and strangled. The children unable to use the restroom, had no education and rarely went outside. The home was filled with trash and human feces. They were rescued after the couples 17 year old daughter escaped through a window with a disconnected cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. In an exclusive interview with True Crime Deadline host Matt Johnson, Louise Turpin's sister speaks out for the first time since sentencing. Elizabeth talks about the case, visiting her sister in jail and why she thinks witchcraft may have played a part in the abuse. From the crime scene tape to the courtroom, host Matt Johnson covered the case and will give you the behind the scenes details. Thank you for listening. Please subscribe, review and find us on social media. June 20, 2019
Matt JohnsonThe McStay family Murders New information in this bone chilling murder case of a family who went missing from their home in Fallbrook CA in 2010. Joseph and Summer McStay had just moved to their new home in Fallbrook with their two small boys Gianni (4) and Joseph Jr. (3). Summer is a realtor and Joseph owns a construction company building fountains and water features. On February 4, 2010 the families while SUV is caught on camera pulling from the driveway, but because of the angle of the camera you cannot see who is behind the wheel. Joseph's business partner Charles "Chase" Merritt called the McStay's family members after he could not get ahold of the family. On February 13, Joseph's brother Michael travels to San Diego and discovers the families dogs in the backyard and what appears to be a house left in a hurry. There were eggs on the counter, popcorn bowls on the couch and the stroller was still in the garage. Days later the family car is located at a shopping center near the San Ysidro border crossing. That's when the San Diego County Sheriff's Office releases a grainy video that appears to be a family crossing the border. In 2013 a off-road motor-cross rider discovered the shallow graves in Victorville CA. The McStay family was buried in carpet from the house and a sledge hammer believed to be used in the murders. Shortly after the families business partner Merritt is arrested for the murders. Evidence in trial shows Merritt's cell phone in the area of where the bodies were discovered. Prosecutors say money was a motive for the murders. Merritt owed the McStays roughly $42,000. Charles Merritt has been found guilty of murder in June 2019. He faces the death penalty or life in prison without the possibility of parole. This potash is available on Apple Bedposts, Stitches, Spottily, Google Play and anywhere you get your bedposts. June 11, 2019
Matt JohnsonMitrice Richardson 24, went missing on September 17, 2009, after being released from a jail in Calabasas, California, after not paying her $89 bill at Geoffrey's Malibu restaurant. She was released in the middle of the night with no phone, no car, no purse and not dressed for the elements. After a massive missing persons search and countless false sightings of Mitrice her body was discovered 11 months later by park rangers who were allegedly in the area to inspect an illegal marijuana grow site in a remote area. Sheriff's deputies removed her body before the possible crime scene could be processed by the Coroner. Now, as we approach the 10 year anniversary of her disappearance, there is still no official cause of death and her family believes she was murdered.... the big question: how did Mitrice end up in a remote area and how did she die? This episode sheds new light on the case with new information and new interviews. Many of the interviews were conducted on what would have been her 34th birthday. Mitrice Richardson was the daughter of Latice Sutton and Michael Richardson of Covina, California. She was an honors student and obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology in 2008 from California State University, Fullerton. At the time of her disappearance Mitrice was in a relationship with a woman, she was completing her internship and applying for graduate programs to complete her schooling to become a Psychologist. To help pay for college Mitrice worked as a model for various beauty pageants and events including the Playboy Mansion's Hot Summer Nights Party. Mitrice's family is pushing for this case to help in prison and jail reform in California. |